Home Loan
A new home is a place for memories to be made and dreams to come true. Take the first step with GSC Bank’s home loans. GSC Bank offers a large bouquet of loan products specially designed to suit your personal needs. For Purchase / Construction / Repairing work / Tenement / Raw Hose and Bunglows
Maximum Loan Amount(In Rs.) : Upto 75 Lakhs.
Max. Term : 20 years.
No Prepayment charges
No Foreclosure charges
Easy Balance Transfer
Low Processing Charges
No Hidden Charges
Pocket friendly EMI
Available At Attractive Fixed & Floating Interest Rates

Commercial Property Loan
You can successfully achieve your professional goals when you put in hard work and effort. Along with that, you need the right workplace environment to ensure that you reach the heights of success, therefore, taking your professional dreams to the next level.
Loan for purchase of Shop, Office, Godown, Shed, Plant, Machinery and Equipment.
Maximum loan amount (In Rs.) 60 Lakhs for Individual, Proprietorship & Partnership firm
Fastest Processing Time
2 Crore for Ltd. Co. / Incorporate Registered Body
Max. Term : 15 Years
No Hidden Cost
Available At Attractive Fixed & Floating Interest Rates

Personal Loans
Maximum Loan Amount(In Rs.) : 1 Lakh
Max. Term : 3 Years
Available At Attractive Fixed & Floating Interest Rates

Institutional Loans
Maximum Loan Amount (In Rs.) : As per the norms
Max. Term : As per the norms
Available At Attractive Interest Rates

Vehicle Loans
Two-Wheeler Loan
Upto 70% on-road funding
Maximum Loan Amount(In Rs.) : 10 Lakhs
Max. Term : 5 years.
Quick Processing with minimal documentation.
Pocket friendly EMI
Available At Attractive Fixed & Floating Interest Rates
Car Loan
Upto 85% on-road funding
Maximum Loan Amount(In Rs.) : 40 Lakhs
Quick Loan processing
No Prepayment Charges
Max. Term : 7 years
No foreclosure charges
Available At Attractive Fixed & Floating Interest Rates
Commercial Vehicle Loan
Maximum Loan Amount(In Rs.) : 40 Lakhs
Max. Term : 7 years
Quick Loan processing
No Prepayment Charges
No foreclosure charges
Available At Attractive Fixed & Floating Interest Rates

Bank's Loan Schemes
Loans for Consumer Goods
Loan for Small Cottage Industries
Loans to Retail Traders
Loans to Self-Employed Individuals/Professionals
Loan for House Construction/Improvement
Loan to Transport Operators
Loan for Purchase of Motorcycle & Car
Other Credit Facilities
Loan on Receipt of Term Deposit
Loan on NSC & LIC Policy Letter
Over Draft/Personal Loan
Loans on RD/Mangalparinay Schemes etc.